Ryan Shazier Introduces His Own Line of Medical Cannabis! – The Leaf Desk

• By Mohit Sharma •

An ex-linebacker for the Pittsburgh Steelers has developed a proprietary brand of medical marijuana.

Retired NFL player Ryan Shazier has joined the rising number of athletes who are turning to medical marijuana as an alternative to narcotic drugs.

As of 2017, Shazier’s career was over due to a spinal cord injury. As a result, he experienced a lot of distress, including physical agony, mental anguish, and even the threat of never being able to walk unaided again. As part of his treatment, he was given medication to ease his agony.

However, Shazier stated that he desired a non-pharmaceutical substitute for opioids. After consulting with doctors, he made the decision to explore medical marijuana and started his own medical marijuana brand, Organic Remedies.

Currently, you can only buy this product in the state of Pennsylvania. A portion of the funds raised will go to the Ryan Shazier Fund, which helps those with spinal cord injuries.

Read article at TheLeafDesk.com